“…no man (woman, author, authoress) is an island…”

I think Mister John Donne was on to something as far back as 1600 ( that’s the year 1600, Mabel, dear, not 1600 hours ..) when he espoused his non-recluse position for all of us, that ‘no man is an island’…the longer I’m allowed to play on this wondrous merry-go-round of the internet, with its whims, wobbles, warts and all, the more I subscribe to his view…as much as I acknowledge that my ego is in constant need of deflating, I type here before you in a state of immense gratitude…My second novel, VENGEANCE WEARS BLACK has just completed its second two-day wave on the Kindle Free promo circuit, with gratifying success…that could not have been possible without the support and kindness of so many of you out there in the hugely embracing writers’ universe…I know, I know, I know, that we’re exhorted to use the Sosyal Medya to get our message heard/seen/understood, but when it actually happens, it’s a thing of beauty and a joy for this writer to savour for ever… I confess that my incompetence in managing even the TweetDeck (my cat could do it better, really), caused my intended individual RT requests to be blanketed to all of my follower list… major faux pas, but mea culpa, it’s done, and we move on… hopefully to ‘know better next time’…what DID happen was that so many people DID pick it up and passed it along the Twitterverse…not only that, some did multiple RT-ing, backed up by great support also on Facebook …let me not omit the groundswell that joined in from the decks of the goodship, S.S.Goodreads…there were tons of tweets and emails and wall posts of encouragement long before the freebie dates,…I hail from a supposed ‘hard’ area of Glasgow, but readily admit to a lump in the throat and an overpowering sense of the ‘niceness’ of so many of you, who’ve never even met me apart from on here…some of you will be aware that I try to ‘pay it forward’ by RT-ing and giving a leg up where I can to others, and dole out my ‘great pals awards’ weekly… it’s my silly way of saying  ‘THANK YOU’ to each and every one of you for becoming an integral part of my life… now let’s put the wimpy tissues away and get down to business…A request please… authors among you will appreciate the importance of reviews (HONEST reviews) on the likes of the Amazon pages…may I humbly ask that  if any of you were among the legion that downloaded the novel, to try to place a couple of sentences or so of review on the Amazon pages…and I’ll love you forever, or at least until I get sane, which may take a lo-o-o-ong time…Matron’s arriving with her little helpers,..I better get back to my ward…see you all later…

But before I go, a HEARTFELT THANK YOU LIST to all who’ve been involved in one way or another in this project are listed below (in NO particular order, coz I don’t want you fighting now y’hear …)




@mikeinla09  and George the parrot






































































































































































































































































Filed under Blether, Scribbling & Stuff

52 responses to ““…no man (woman, author, authoress) is an island…”

  1. @hell4heather

    How lovely – thanks so much Seumas. PS I am an island, but only on weekends because I need the cash ;-P


  2. Very nice of you to put me on your list, Seumas. I see I am in great company 🙂


  3. Thank you, Seumas – not only for the inclusion on your listing, but for the wonderful reminder of how we are all interconnected! It’s nice to know that, even in the midst of many challenges and trials, we have a community of like-minded souls with whom we take the journey. Cheers to you with many wishes for continued success inside and outside the “book” world.


  4. Hi Seumas
    Thanks for being included in your – it must be stated – extremely long list! You’ve obviously been very busy making friends! BTW Am thoroughly enjoying The Violin Man’s Legacy and will happily write a review when I finish. At some point will even read Vengeance Wears Black if you pay enough (only joking – have downloaded that too!) 🙂


  5. Thank you Seumas for including me into you post. You are wonderful!!


  6. Seumas, your posts always make me smile, you have a great sense of humor and I’m honored to be in this list. Thank you for including me 🙂 Have the greatest of weekends!


  7. Thanks, Seumas! You’re the best and a true gentleman. Love the photos of you! Enjoy and best wishes to you ✪


  8. Nick

    Now that is what I call “A” list! Humbled in such company – thank you! Loving the blogging. Can’t wait for the next book…. Get scribbling 😉


  9. What a nice thing to do – thanks!


  10. Charity

    Awesome list to be on 🙂


  11. Hello Seumas, It is wonderful how us authors band together to help one another get our words out. Succinctly said by TimGreaton, I see I am in great company. It’s quite a list, you have been busy. What a wonderful acknowledgement of your support network. Thank you


    • Hi Debra,, Thanks for your comments… the list is only as busy as people are kind enough to allow me to be part of THEIR world.. I’ve only been on here now for about a year, but absolutely LUVIN” IT ! the generosity of spirit is unrivalled in anything I’ve ever known before.. long may it continue .. :):) Enjoy the balance of your week and the week ahead .. Cheers 🙂


      • Yes, I know what you mean. My tunnel visioned focus is to help young people understand how much harm they’re putting themselves in when they get plastered out on the town. I’m hoping to contact as many as possible through my blog to get them to ‘wake up’ I think is what I’m trying to muster. I have had such huge support via twitter, ASMSG and LinkedIn for getting my word out there. If I only change the outlook of one teenager, I’ll be happy. All the work put in from everyone will have been with it.


    • More power to you and the great work in that regard Debra.. Another time privately I;’l share with you on that.. been there , done it,, got well :):)


  12. Thank you Seamus for the mention. It touches me to see all those who have found their way to your door. I am glad that I am one of them. Your sense of humor is refreshing and your writing style always enjoyable.


  13. Much respect for taking the time to write such an amazing thank you, also thank for telling me about word press am hooked


  14. Aren’t you just the sweetest… I appreciate it. You know you can always count on me for a RT or a promo, right? We need to stick together 🙂



  15. Cheers, Seumas.. I’m always happy to help a friend. You can even borrow me helmet 🙂


  16. Thank you so much!! There are so many names on that list who have also helped me 🙂 the writing/author/indie community is one of the best I have come across and this makes me very glad I made the decision to publish my book. Thank your Mr Gallacher, sir 🙂


  17. It’s a honor to be placed on your SUPER MEGA WONDERFUL GREAT MARVELLOUS PALS PERSONS LIST!! Thank you! 😀


  18. JuliaJay8

    I am honoured, Seumas. That’s so sweet of you! 🙂


  19. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again (which, come to think of it, is a mantra for my old age, leaving out the first bit) – I do like your style, Seumas. It’s that Glasgow humour which is quite unlike any other of its kind! Glad the promo went well, always glad to be of assistance. Oh, and throw the odd insult, which is always good for the soul,


  20. prudencemacleod

    Hope you sell a million, Seumas. 🙂


  21. J M Leitch

    What a wonderful accolade. Thank you Seumas!


  22. James

    no man is an island? unless of course his name is Madagascar


  23. Seumas, thank you so much for including me on your list. Very cool. I’m looking forward to reading your books and will most certainly leave a nice review.


  24. Thanks a bundle, m’Lady … :):) Glad you enjoyed the Amazing Grace clip ….:)


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